About Us
Right now, we're working on rethinking voice control for computers. Voice control is a solution that's been tried before, but we think recent advancements in AI make it worth another look. We're working to create an AI agent that can control the computer autonomously based on user's commands.In the short-term, we want simple voice control, mostly aimed at users with essential tremor or Parkinson's. We want users to be able to say "scroll down" or "click the third link" and have it happen.
In the long-term, we see the potential for a fully autonomous AI agent that can control the computer without any user input. We think that this could be a game-changer for users with disabilities like vision impairment.
We're constantly tweaking our tech stack and goal to keep up with the latest advancements in the space, so it's hard to give an up-to-date description. But projects we've been interested in recently are Skyvern (a YC-backed startup for browser automation), ScreenAgent (an AI agent for computer control), and OpenInterpreter (an open-source project for LLM control of computers).
At the end of the day, we're just trying to make computers more accessible. We think that voice control is a step in the right direction, and we're excited to see where it goes. If you're interested in learning more, feel free to reach out to us at our contact page.